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Sunday, November 18, 2012
The Story: Interview with Esther Vallins on Half-Pint Theatre
Halfpint go BOOM! by Cassie Muise Esther Vallins is a born and raised Torontonian trained extensively all over Canada, including Randolph Academy and The Banff Centre. Her company, Half-Pint's first show, 'tick, tick... BOOM!' opened to excellent critical claim, and is now nominated alongside the likes of Stratford and Shaw for nine BroadwayWorld Awards. One of those nominations includes one for Vallins as Best Leading Actress in the production. (source: company website)
CHARPO: Why start a new company?
VALLINS: One of the most valuable things I've learned being in the industry, is if the work is not there, create the work yourself. So that's just what I, and the ladies of Half-Pint Theatre did. As recent graduates of three different theatre schools, all of us found ourselves striving to succeed and get recognition, in a very competitive, tight community. We want to create the work not just for ourselves, but also for new artists who find themselves in a similar position to us. We're also all just so passionate about our wonderful city. Toronto has so much amazing talent, and there needs to be more companies showcasing what this town has to offer!
In the past 10 years, the support for Indie theatre has grown CHARPO: What do you love most about the Toronto theatre scene?
VALLINS: I love its diversity! I love that I can go out and see anything from The Normal Heart at Studio 180, to Ordinary Days with Angelwalk Theatre. We're a city that doesn't wholly depend on larger, commercially produced productions. In the past 10 years, the support for Indie theatre has grown and been developed as a grassroots community, and encourages entrepreneurship amongst its artists. So, when three actors create a theatre company, we are given support and advice from people who've been at this for years. We've been so graciously welcomed by fellow actors, producers, and so many wonderful people who are genuinely interested and excited to hear what we're up to next!
CHARPO: You have a show coming up, A Night of Shanley, which showcases several shorter pieces. What was the attraction to Shanley's work?
VALLINS: We are so excited to be showcasing a few of Shanley's short plays and monologues! What an incredible playwright. What I really love about Shanley is the brutal honesty he breathes into the worlds he creates. His writing is sharp, concise, and extremely relevant. My favourite thing about Shanley though is the way he finds the beauty in the ugliness of a character, which not everyone can do. We're actually having a fundraiser and celebration to tell people more about 'A Night of Shanley' on November 18th! As the shows of Shanley's we chose are set in New York, our fundraiser is centred around a theme of The Big Apple, from past to present. It's going to be an amazing night, with so much talent! There will also be dancing, and maybe a few special New York-themed cocktails!
CHARPO: Do you think it's significant, in a world with more male directors, artistic directors, and playwrights, to have a company completely helmed by women?
VALLINS: You know, at Half-Pint we certainly are all for girl power, and love companies that are helmed by strong, fearless women! But we also love the work that men have to contribute. Half-Pint at the moment has an artistic team comprised of four women - but we are completely open to working with men, and having them on our team! In fact, we have a great guy directing our production of A Night of Shanley. His name is Brendan Shoreman, and he's got such an amazing vision for each of the pieces. You're just going to have to come see it!
CHARPO: What artists would you say have most inspired you?
VALLINS: For me personally, I found myself really inspired by the writers and cast of Now. Here. This. Jeff Bowen, Hunter Bell, Susan Blackwell, and Heidi Blickenstaff. They were once in the same position as us, and chose to make their own work. They wrote a show that started out very small, and slowly gained recognition as they continued to pour their entire hearts into what they were creating. Now, they are internationally renowned, and are living proof that you don't have to be a huge-scale production with a million dollar budget to awe and inspire people. A Night of Shanley is tonight. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH. 8PM at THE ANNEX LIVE, 296 Brunswick Ave. ADMISSION: Pay What You Can (Suggested Minimum $10)
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