A Journey of Self Discovery and Creative Freedom: Part 3
by Caleb McMullen
For five months, whenever I was in The Tap, my new home, I was never without a martini glass. I was living the half-full life. I mean, quite literally, my glass was always at least half full, the owner made sure of it. It turns out, I was funnier and partied hardier when the booze was flowing freely, and it did. I know this to be true because I can barely remember it.
In fact, the time I worked at The Tap is a complete blur to me, filled to the gills with stories that ran right into the next of drunken debauchery amid the old men and strippers. It’s amazing to me how I went through my second semester of second year theatre school living this double life; because that is exactly what it was: my escape, my life of delusion every Saturday night.